Dòng Nội dung
“就是……也/都……”的量级标示功能 = A Study on the Scale Labeled Function of “Jiushi…Ye / Dou…”. / Hao Yu-Xin ; Liu Han-Wu ; Xing Hong-Bing. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2013, No.5.
p. 65-70.


从表达功能看“了”的隐现动因 = An Analysis on “Le” from the Perspective of Expressional Functions. / Yang Kai-Rong. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2013, No.5.
p. 31-43.

This paper discusses when sentence-final"le"appears in Chinese sentences.We focus on the perspective of expressional functions.After investigating and examining the realis sentences in Chinese,we come to the conclusion that functional need is one of the key factors for deciding whether sentence-final "le"is to be used or not.When the speaker wants to report the occurrence of a realis event,"le"has to be used.In contrast,le is not needed if what the speaker wants to do is to explain the event or to describe the manner how actions take place in the event.

多义离合词词义与功能分析 = An Analysis on the Meaning and Function of the Polysemous Detachable Words. / 商艳玲. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 6 (170) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第6卷 (170)

84-90 p.

Polysemous detachable words can reflect contradiction of the word meaning and the function.By studying polysemous detachable words,the change of the meaning of the polysemous detachable word can be observed,and the changes of each item in the function can also be investigated.The study of this artible provides a full picture of the analysis of polysemous detachable words fromThe Contemporary Chinese Dictionary,and aims at revealing the relationship between word meanings and function.When the word meaning and function do not correspond,the frequency of use becomes the dominating factor.

新兴程度副词及其功能拓展研究综述 / 朱磊; // 汉语学习 ,Chinese Language Learning 2017(04)

tr. 53-61


新疆维吾尔族双语课堂语码转换的类型、功能及影响因素=On the Types,Functions and Influence Factors of Code-switching in the Uygur Bilingual Classes in Xinjiang / 惠天罡. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
132-141 p.
