Dòng Nội dung
在华欧美企业中国员工之间的称呼模式研究——以10家在华欧美企业为例=A Survey on the Address Termsby Chinese Employees of European and American Enterprises in China/ 刘永厚, 朱娟. // Applied linguistics. 2015, No.4.
87-95 p.

By questionnaires and interviews,this paper investigates theaddress terms used by120 Chinese employeesin 10 European and American enterprises in China by questionnaires and interviews. It is foundthat the employees mainly use English or Chinesenamesbut seldom use pseudo-kinship terms orhierarchical titles; differences among departments and enterprises may be related to the degree of localization; the occasion,relative status and the degree of intimacy between the interlocutors alsoaffect their choice of address termsto some extent,but English namesbe can be used in almost all occasions.First-nameaddressesreflect an egalitarian enterprise cultureand arehighly