Dòng Nội dung
现代汉语降级让步句说略 = On the Downgrade Concessive Clause in the Modern Chinese / 柳英绿;盛丽春;关黑拽; // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2016, No. 6 // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第6卷 (170)

3-10 p.

As a special type of concessions in modern Chinese,the downgrade concessive clause,which basic structure is "(o) Jishi fei(即使非)o,ye(也) q",expressed a downgrading concessive significance through a comparison of the preceding paragraph "o" and the result "q".The downgrade concessive clause is usually used to express the speaker’s understanding,judgment or expectations.While there are some relevance between the downgrade concessive clause and Concessive Conditionals 、 the Scalar Concessive " zong(总)"Construction,but its overall meaning and the inherent semantic mechanism are apparently different from the others.

稿约. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 6 (170) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第6卷 (170)

113 p.
