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// Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27. 391 p. <正>由中国社会科学院语言研究所句法语义研究室和《中国语文》编辑部主办的"第十八次现代汉语语法学术讨论会"定于2014年10月27日至30日在澳门大学举行。本次讨论会由澳门大学联合主办,商务印书馆协办。本次会议的主要议题是:一,汉语的时、体、情态和语气问题;二,普遍语法原则与汉语特殊句式。也可探讨其他汉语语法范畴问题。凡希望参加讨论会的学者请提交论文提要,会议筹备组将汇集提.
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现代汉语降级让步句说略 = On the Downgrade Concessive Clause in the Modern Chinese / 柳英绿;盛丽春;关黑拽;
// Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2016, No. 6
// 语言教学与研究 2014, 第6卷 (170) 3-10 p. As a special type of concessions in modern Chinese,the downgrade concessive clause,which basic structure is "(o) Jishi fei(即使非)o,ye(也) q",expressed a downgrading concessive significance through a comparison of the preceding paragraph "o" and the result "q".The downgrade concessive clause is usually used to express the speaker’s understanding,judgment or expectations.While there are some relevance between the downgrade concessive clause and Concessive Conditionals 、 the Scalar Concessive " zong(总)"Construction,but its overall meaning and the inherent semantic mechanism are apparently different from the others.
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