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二语语法能力与听力理解能力潜在关系研究 : The potential relationship between English grammatical competence and English listening comprehension competence // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.6. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期

Taking 171 Chinese college English majors as subjects,the present study conducts a battery of tests to investigate the potential relationship between the grammatical competence/skills and the listening comprehension competence/skills/test types of the second language learning.The results show:the grammatical competence/skills have positive correlation with the listening comprehension competence/skills/test types,and the former can significantly predict the variance of the latter;the sentence monitoring skill and the sentence production skill can better account for the variance of the listening comprehension competence/word recognition skill/comprehensive understanding skill/subjective test type,but they do share the individual differences in accounting for the variance of the latter;the sentence monitoring skill can only account for certain amount of the variance of the listening judgment skill and the objective test type,so it is not the better predictor of the latter

提示特征对中国学生综合写作任务的影响研究 : Investigation of the effects of prompt characteristics on Chinese test-takers’ integrated writing performance / 何莲珍, 孙悠夏. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
237-250+321 p.


提示特征对中国学生综合写作任务的影响研究 = Investigation of the effects of prompt characteristics on Chinese test-takers’ integrated writing performance / HE Lianzhen; SUN Youxia; School of International Studies,Zhejiang University // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.2. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第4期
237-250+321 p.

Studies of prompt effect on writing performance have so far mostly been focused on independent writing or the final writing scores,and have not clarified the prompt effect on integrated writing.This study,as an attempt to address this issue,using data from argumentative writing samples from China’ s "FLTRP Cup"National English Writing Contest,explores the effect of prompt characteristics on the surface and deep linguistic features of test-takers’ integrated writing.Based on the quantitative analysis of 508 argumentative essays of two prompt characteristics(topic domain and task specification),the study shows that prompt characteristics have an effect on the textual features of integrated writing,manifested in two aspects:1)different topic domains highlight different textual features;and 2)different task specifications result in different modes of argument.