Dòng Nội dung
Hư từ tiếng Việt: bức tranh thu nhỏ trong truyện ngắn Lão Hạc của Nam Cao / Bùi Minh Toán. // Ngôn ngữ. 2015, Số 10.
tr. 3-13.

The short story Old Hac,despite its humble length,can be considered a miniature of funcitional words in Vietnamese.This story contains a hight prevalence of functional words which are used 93.5% of sentences.All the three type of funtional words make their appearance: modifiers, relationals and modals, which are related to one another in the form homonymy, symonymy, antonymy, and polysemy, including change in meanings and parts of speech.Most importantly,functional words assume a variety of functions is the srory.Syntactically, they are subordinate to and help modify content words; they express grammartical relations and mark different theta-roles or types of events in the pepresentational meaning of sentence ,and also indicate various senses in their modalmeanings.Pragmayically, they are clues to implicatures and speech acts;they function as particles or connectors in argumentation,or as sighs to delineate the thme and the rheme, old and new information,etc.These will be disscussed in detail in this paper.

Phân tích một số hiện tượng liên quan đến xã hội – văn hóa trong “Chí Phèo” và “Sống mòn” của Nam Cao/ Vũ Văn Lăng // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2013, Số 6 (212)
tr. 25-27

Social and cultural opinions of any society have always been expressed in its literature. We find in Nam Cao’s works “Chi Pheo” and “Song mon” some phenomenon for expressing the people’s belief in good things at the works (early 40s of the 20th century in Vietnam), including: (1) retributive phenomenon – notice first and resulting bad ending that corrects the initial noticed issues”, (2) “bad people have to get the proper revenge finally”, (3) cause-effect phenomenon – “Curses come home to roost”.