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AWS for Admins for dummies / John Paul Mueller. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley, 2017384 p. ; 23 cm.Easily get your head in the Cloud with Amazon Web Written in a language you can understand, this book provides simple procedures you can follow to set up and configure the right environment, and helps you assess your move to the cloud, explains any quirks in the software, and gets you up and running in no time. --
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IOS Cloud Development For Dummies / Neal Goldstein. New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2012460p. ; : ill.; 24 cm.Want to create robust, data-driven, iOS cloud apps? This book makes it easier! Apple s mobile operating system (iOS) supports iPhones, iPads, iPods and other Apple devices, and while even beginners can now develop apps to run just on these devices themselves, sometimes you want to create an app with more heft. Applications such as live weather reports or multi-player games require a lot of data to be pulled from outside & mdash;often from cloud-based Web Services, such as Google or Amazon. This book, written by application development experts Sujee Maniyam and Neal Goldstein, shows you how to we
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