Dòng Nội dung
Contemporary American slang / Richard A. Spears
Lincolnwood, Ill. : NTC Pub. Group, 1991
xiii, 233 p. ; 22cm.

NTC's dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions / Richard A. Spears.
Lincolnwood (Chicago), Ill. : NTC Pub. Group, 2000
xv, 560 p. ; 24 cm.

NTC's super-mini American slang dictionary / Richard A. Spears
Lincolnwood, Ill. : NTC Pub. Group, 1996
xiii, 233 p. ; 14 cm.

NTC's thematic dictionary of American slang / Richard A. Spears
Lincolnwood, Ill. : NTC, 1993
560 p. ; 23 cm.

The Oxford Dictionary of modern slang / John Ayto, J. A. Simpson
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1993
299 p. ; 20 cm.

A vibrant collection of over 5,000 modern slang terms with illustrative sentences by writers such as John Updike, Gore Vidal, Louise Erdrich, and Jessica Mitford. Lists the various senses of a word in chronological order, with the date each sense appeared in print. Provides etymologies of slang words wherever possible. Includes words from the U.S., Great Britain, and Australia