Dòng Nội dung
Tổ chức điểm nói trong lối nói vòng vo / Nguyễn Đăng Khánh. // Ngôn ngữ. 2015, Số 3 (310).
tr. 29-39

Circumlocution has an organization of words which almost reached the ideal condition because it has a means of effective wxoression, which is point of circumlocution. They are the storage points of the most important information but the signfication of the resr utterances depens on those storage. There are overt points of circumlocution as well as covert points of circumlocution. They may be the language factors, presuppositions or connotations. They exist in conversations as casted anchor in the middle of speech to unite events between this thing and others, interpersonal relation, the situation of space, time and dialogue process. From the points of circumlocution, the organization of language, content, structure, forms and strategies of circumlocution are revealed and identified and the encoding and decoding of circumlocution are therefore elucidated.