Dòng Nội dung
Emotions as a linguistic category : perception and expression of emotions by Spanish EFL students / Elisa Pérez-García, María Jesús Sánchez // Language, Culture and Curriculum Volume 33, 2020 - Issue 3
UK Limited : Routledge, 2020
Pages 274-289

The study assesses the extent to which Spanish students of English as a foreign language (EFL) at a B1+ level (CEFR) are able to communicate in English (target language) joy, sadness, fear, and anger emotions. It focuses on perception, by investigating learners’ ability to recognise these emotions in a reading task, and production, by examining the linguistic resources used to conceptualise and express them in a written task. The participants, 99 undergraduate students, completed an online English questionnaire, including 20 emotionally-loaded hypothetical situations arousing joy, fear, anger, or sadness, and a reading and a writing task. Emotion perception was analysed in terms of percentage of students’ agreement on identifying the main emotion in each scenario. As to production, emotion words, positive and negative emotion-laden words, expressive interjections, intensifiers, and syntactic devices were analysed to obtain common patterns of emotion conceptualisation and expression in English. The results revealed high percentages in students’ ability to perceive emotions, a bias towards positive scenarios, and different strategies of emotion expression, one of the most common across categories being the preference for the adjectival pattern when describing feelings.

Nghệ thuật sử dụng nghĩa phái sinh của tính từ trong tiểu thuyết “ Chiến tranh và hòa bình” của L.Tôilxtôi = The art utilizing derivational maenings of adjectives to ehance the imaginary and emotional values in “ Was and peace” by L.Tolstoy / Nguyễn Thị Hoàng Anh;Dương Quốc Cường. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 11 (241).

The utilization of symboilism - aesthetics in recognition of emotion in art are considered as being multi- faceted. L. Toistoy used an extren ely wide rance of variety of communication mean in his daily composition. By reviewing the literature of utterance form “to convey arts by wording and to describe the reality of life” in written works by L.Tolstoy and with in the scope of this paper, he focus on the art of utilizing derivational meanings of adjectives to enhance the imaginary and emotional values in “War and Peace”, a masterpiece by L. Tolstoy.

Que fait donné à moment dans à un moment donné ? Quelques réflexions à partir du CÉFC / Anne Le Draoulec, Josette Rebeyrolle // Langages Nº 219 (3/2020)
France : Armand Colin, 2020

Le présent article porte sur la pragmaticalisation de la locution temporelle à un moment donné, et, plus particulièrement, sur l’une des principales questions que laissait en suspens une étude antérieure : la question du rôle de l’adjectif donné, dont nous faisons l’hypothèse qu’il joue en faveur d’une implication subjective plus grande (favorisant ainsi la pragmaticalisation de la locution). Nous nous proposons de vérifier cette hypothèse par un examen systématique de à un moment donné vs à un moment, en nous appuyant sur la partie orale du Corpus d’Étude pour le Français Contemporain. Nous prendrons également en considération d’autres variantes possibles : variantes avec il y a (il y a un moment (donné)) ou sans la préposition à (un moment (donné)).

形动组合顺序的认知理据 = Cognitive Motivation of the Ordering for the Combination of Adjective and Verb. / 刘振平;赵旭. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

52-60 p.

When an adjective appears before a verb,the whole phrase is known as adverbial-head construction,in which the adjective becomes "ground" and the verb the "figure" in "Figure-Ground Theory";On the other hand,when the adjective goes after the verb to form a verb—resultative structure,it becomes "figure" and the verb becomes the "ground".In the scenario described above,the common cognitive ordering for two constructions is the "ground" preceding the "figure".Uses of adjectives are very restrictive in sentence structures and can appear only before or after the verb,and the positions are not interchangeable.The fundamental reason behind this is due to the fact that the "ground" and "figure" are irreversible.

形容词的形性功能考察 / 齐沪扬, 韩天姿, 亚鑫 ; [Qi Hu-yang, Han Tian-zi, Ya Xin] // 汉语 学习 = Chinese Language Learning 6.2019
China : Electronic Journals Publishing House Co., Ltd., 2019
p. 3-16
