Dòng Nội dung
À peine avaient-ils introduit une inversion dans leur énoncé que la subordination s’imposa : subordination inverse et inversion subordonnante? / Audrey Roig, Dan Van Raemdonck. // Langages. 2015, Vol.200.
p. 31-54.

Dans cette contribution, nous reviendrons sur les subordinations inverses du type À peine Préd1 que/ø/et Préd2 et poserons la question de l’identification du mode de liaison ainsi que du degré de complexité à l’oeuvre dans ces structures. Nous verrons dans un premier temps qu’il est difficile de s’en remettre aux marqueurs ; c’est pourquoi, nous recourrons dans un deuxième temps à l’identification d’indices, congruents, parmi lesquels la focalisation et l’inversion du sujet dans la prédication ouverte par à peine.

CSL学习者单音量度形容词混淆的错杂性与不平衡性 = Complexity and Imbalance of Confusion on the Monosyllabic Quantitative Adjective Words by CSL Learners. / 苏向丽. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 1 (171) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第1卷 (171)

22-30 p.

Based on the large-scale interlanguage corpus of CSL learners,the study of this paper investigated the 80 pairs of confusable words that are the mixed use of 36 monosyllabic quantitative adjective words.Obvious complexity and imbalance on these words are found and demonstrated.The complexity of it can be illustrated as follows:the mixed uses of these words are mainly"many-to-many",and"bidirectional misuse"is dominating.The types of semantic relationship on the confusable words were diverse,and their proto-meanings and non-proto-meanings were mutually misused.The imbalance was mainly reflected in that the distribution was unbalanced in the misusing frequency and number of confusable words,especially in that the positive quantitative adjective words were commonly confused more than that of negative quantitative adjective words.In addition,confusion among positive quantitative adjective words was more than that among negative ones and among the both.

Processing unambiguous verbal passives in German / Nino Grillo. // Journal of Linguistics Vol. 55, Issue 3/2019
p. 523-562

Passivization played a central role in shaping both linguistic theory and psycholinguistic approaches to sentence processing, language acquisition and impairment. We present the results of two experiments that simultaneously test online processing (self-paced reading) and offline comprehension (through comprehension questions) of passives in German while also manipulating the event structure of the predicates used. In contrast to English, German passives are unambiguously verbal, allowing for the study of passivization independent of a confound in the degree of interpretive ambiguity (verbal/adjectival). In English, this ambiguity interacts with event structure, with passives of stative predicates naturally receiving an adjectival interpretation. In a recent study, Paolazzi et al. (2015, 2016) showed that in contrast to the mainstream theoretical perspective, passive sentences are not inherently harder to process than actives. Complexity of passivization in English is tied to the aspectual class of the verbal predicate passivized: with eventive predicates, passives are read faster (as hinted at in previous literature) and generate no comprehension difficulties (in contrast to previous findings with mixed predicates). Complexity effects with passivization, in turn, are only found with stative predicates. The asymmetry is claimed to stem from the temporary adjectival/verbal ambiguity of stative passives in English. We predict that the observed difficulty with English stative passives disappears in German, given that in this language the passive construction under investigation is unambiguously verbal. The results support this prediction: both offline and online there was no difficulty with passivization, under either eventive or stative predicates. In fact, passives and their rich morphology eased parsing across both types of predicates.

论当代中国政治的复合性与国家治理现代化 / 刘伟. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68.N3 // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

31-39 pages.
