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Ngôn ngữ học tạo sinh của N.Chomsky: Lý thuyết chuẩn mở rộng và lý thuyết chẩn mở rộng có điều chỉnh / Nguyễn Thiện Giáp.
// Ngôn ngữ. 2015, Số 2 (309). 2015tr. 18-27 Chomsky’s Extended Standard Theory is a reconsideration of his previous Standard Theory. It narrows the focus on transformational areas through universal constraints and the semantic accounts at the surface and deep structure levels. The change occurred in 1973 and led to the development of the Revised Extended Standard Theory. The central issue of this theory is the concept of “core grammar”, which refers to universal linguistic events and the principles for the existence of universal linguistic phenomenon in all languages. The Revised Extended Standard Theory involves different related theories: trace theory, move government and binding theory, etc. The principles and parameters theory has been considered a new theory for the past 2500 years.