Dòng Nội dung
Biến thể ngữ âm Hán Việt trong ca dao Nam Bộ./ Đào Duy Tùng // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 1 (296).
tr. 65-78.

This paper presents an analysis of two phonetic variations of Sino-Vietnamese words and phrases in South Vietnam’s folk verses from both the diachronic and synchronic viewpoints. From the diachronic viewpoint, the phonetic variations of Sino-Vietnamese words and phrases in South Vietnam’s folk verses are divided into two categories: taboo-based variations and non-taboo-based variations. From the synchronic viewpoint and scope of use, the phonetic variations of Sino-Vietnamese words and phrases in South Vietnam’s folk verses are divided into two categories: phonetic variations widely used in the whole country and phonetic variations only used in the locality.

Đặc điểm phát âm biến thể thanh huyền qua các nhóm tuổi ở Sơn Tây / Nguyễn Tài Thái. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 11 (306).
tr. 72-80

Belonging to the Northern dialect but Son Tay has a special tone system. This article describes the variants of tone huyền is described both in auditory receptor and through experimental phonetic analysus by Praat 2000 program. The paper also considers the influence of communicative context as well as age groups to understand the trends of language change under the influence of social factors.