Dòng Nội dung
Dấu vết hệ thống phụ tố Nam Á trong tiếng Việt / Lý Tùng Hiếu. // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 11 (306).
tr. 44-51

Because of being “fossilize” long ago, the Austro-Asiatic affxation system in Vietnamese tody only has traces which are difficult to identify. This paper presents the bases allowing the author and other researches to identify six derivational affixes ( word-building affixes) from Austro-Asiatic linguistic family which still have traces in Vietnamese: nominalization affix *-n, *n-, nominalization affix *r-, causative affix *a-, *pa-, *ta-, *ka-, *ku-, *sa-, concretization prefix *n-, unitary prefix *ma-, *mu-, and negative prefix *chăng*, *chẳng*, *chả*. Those traces are the evidences that prove the Mon-Khmer and Austro-Asiatic origin of Vietnamese.