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Lượt lời trong tương tác Thầy - Trò trên lớp học / Vũ Thị Thanh Hương.
// Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 11 (306). 2014tr. 25-33 This paper examines the turn-taking strategies in secondary classrom interactions. It answers the following two research questions: 1. That turn-taking strategies do teachers and students use in their classroom interactons and 2. How do these turn-taking strategies affect the teaching and learning. The data were collected in a secondary school in the North of Vietnam by video-taping and classroom observations. The results show that most turn-taking in classroom interactions were initiated by teachers and the use all three turn-taking strategies which are Individual nominations, Invitations to bid, and Invitation to reply but Invitation to bid has the highest frequencies ( 57%). Based on the analysis of the advantages and limitations of each strategy for the learning and teaching, the paper recommends that teachers should use more often the strategy of Invitation to bid and reduce the strategy of Invitation to reply.
Turn-taking and silent learning during open class discussions / Michael Karas.
// ELT Journal, Volume 71, Issue 1, 1 (January 2017) 71/1 2017.p. 13–23. This study investigates turn-taking and silent learning during teacher-fronted open class discussions. Drawing on classroom observations and interview data, the study tracks the turn-taking habits of an advanced level EAP class in Ontario, Canada, and investigates how students use their non-verbal time during class discussions to enhance language learning. The participants use a variety of turn-taking mechanisms in order to enter classroom conversation, but many of the speaking turns are short and participation is unequal. For some, their lack of verbal contribution is due to various internal and external causes of reticence. However, the interview data reveal a variety of ways that some of these L2 learners silently engage with the discussion and enhance their language learning. Silent learning strategies, the impact of different cultural learning practices, and potential pedagogical suggestions are all discussed.