Dòng Nội dung
Hư từ tiếng Việt: bức tranh thu nhỏ trong truyện ngắn Lão Hạc của Nam Cao / Bùi Minh Toán. // Ngôn ngữ. 2015, Số 10.
tr. 3-13.

The short story Old Hac,despite its humble length,can be considered a miniature of funcitional words in Vietnamese.This story contains a hight prevalence of functional words which are used 93.5% of sentences.All the three type of funtional words make their appearance: modifiers, relationals and modals, which are related to one another in the form homonymy, symonymy, antonymy, and polysemy, including change in meanings and parts of speech.Most importantly,functional words assume a variety of functions is the srory.Syntactically, they are subordinate to and help modify content words; they express grammartical relations and mark different theta-roles or types of events in the pepresentational meaning of sentence ,and also indicate various senses in their modalmeanings.Pragmayically, they are clues to implicatures and speech acts;they function as particles or connectors in argumentation,or as sighs to delineate the thme and the rheme, old and new information,etc.These will be disscussed in detail in this paper.