Dòng Nội dung
How control systems influence product innovation processes: examining the role of entrepreneurial orientation / Josep Bisbea & Ricardo Malagueñob. // Accounting and Business Research. Volume 45, N3, 2015.
London, Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales] Abingdon, UK : Routledge, Taylor & Francis , 2015.
pages 356-386.

This paper yields insights into the channels through which management accounting and control systems (MACS) exert an influence on product innovation by examining the extent to which different forms of control (i.e. value systems (VS), diagnostic control systems and interactive control systems (ICS)) are directly associated with the distinct phases of innovation processes. Using survey data collected from 118 medium and large Spanish companies, we find that (1) VS and ICS have significant main effects on the creativity, co-ordination and knowledge integration, and filtering (sub-)phases of innovation processes and (2) the significance and direction of these influences vary depending on the entrepreneurial orientation (EO) of firms. By highlighting the relevance of EO in shaping the influence of MACS on product innovation processes, this study calls for caution in generalising the expected effects of MACS on innovation.

Poetic habits of mind in TESOL teacher preparation / Melisa Cahnmann-Taylor, Yohan Hwang. // Language and Education Vol.33, No 4/2019
UK : Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
p. 399-415 ; 26 cm.

This paper examines the possibility of viewing TESOL teachers’ identities through the metaphor of ‘poet-teachers’, viewing second language teachers as creative and collaborative meaning-makers. We analyzed interviews, poems and classroom discourse among 16 Chinese, Vietnamese and English L1 speakers who participated in poetry writing course as a component of their TESOL teacher preparation curriculum. We identified three qualities related to poetic habits of TESOL teacher identity. Firstly, creative (l)imitation which enhances their identities as connected to and expanding from past structures, yielding new future selves. Secondly, the practice of surprising oneself in and through an L2, shifting scripted perceptions of language learning toward improvisational play. Lastly, teaching poetry illuminated the ways in which the language classroom becomes a site for dialogic collaboration, two-way exchanges where creative meaning-making can occur for both teacher and student alike. The results suggest imitation, surprise, and collaboration can create emotionally and linguistically rewarding experiences, encouraging the TESOL educator to identify as co-learners and to grow as interactive producers of meaning, not just passive instructors and receptors of language form.

创造性翻译与创造性对等 = Creative Equivalence as a Key to Creative Translation. / GUO Jianzhong. // 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2014, Vol. 35, No.4.
北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2014
tr. 10-15.

Since the concept of "creative translation" is too abstract for translators to work on,this article proposes that the concept of "creative equivalence" be adopted as a possible solution to the said problem.Laying stress on rewriting and re-expressing in the process of translation,this concept has the advantage of being eminently practicable and hence widely applicable as a means for gauging creativity in translation.It draws on theoretical resources of both the literary and the linguistic(scientific) school of translation studies,demonstrating that these two major approaches are complementary rather than contradictory to each other.The formulation of the concept,moreover,signifies a serious engagement with,and an attempt to modernize,traditional Chinese discourse on translation.

论素质教育的本质特征与实施途径 = On Quality-oriented Education:Essence and Implementation Ways / 刘道玉. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.3(2015)
147-153 p.

It has been more than 30 years since the policy of quality-oriented education proposed in China.But the implementation of the policy is not satisfying with the reasons as:the misplacement of educational value,the inappropriate mechanisms of education and the deviation in understanding quality-oriented education.To carry out the reform of quality-oriented education,there are some suggestions:changing the inappropriate educational ideas, establishing new educational ideas which take independence and freedom as its core;changing the knowledge-center course system,designing wisdom-enlightening course syllabus; abandoning traditional cramming teaching methods,and adopting wisdom-enlightening teaching methods.