Dòng Nội dung
Hành vi hỏi trong giao tiếp vợ chồng nông dân người Việt Nam giai đoạn 1930-1945 ( qua ngữ liệu tác phẩm văn học 1930-1945) = Questioning in communication of Vietnamese peasant conjugal life in the period 1930-1945 ( through literary works 1930-1945) / Khuất Thị Lan. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 12 (230).
tr. 42-46

In all areas of communication, questioning is considered a universal phenomenon in language as well as in human life. This is a multigaced and complex issue which contains a lot of arractions because it not only displays “ the unknown”, the “ un-clear” but also manifests the depth of culture, psychology, traditions and customs of the community of Vietnamese speakers. To clarify the above-mentioned, we conduct the study of questioning as a speech act in communication of the peasant conjugal life.