Dòng Nội dung
词汇和语法的关系——几种语法模式的比较研究 = The Relationship between Lexicon and Grammar——A Review of Four Grammatical Models / 王勇; 李正林. // Journal of Huazhong normal University. Vol.54, No.2(2015)
86-96 p.

Lexicon and grammar are integrated into different grammatical theories.In generative grammar,lexicon belongs to the base component and it determines the particular syntactic features of the sentence.Cognitive grammar,systemic functional grammar,and pattern grammar agree that grammar and lexis form a continuum and there is not a clear-cut dividing line between them.Cognitive grammarians take both lexicon and grammar as constructions differing in complexity and schematicity.Systemic functional grammarians’ dream is to include lexicon into their grammatical systems as the most delicate grammar.In pattern grammar,lexis and grammar are inseparable,both being expressed in the pattern.These theories all agree that lexicon and grammar are closely related to one another.Lexicon is open;it is particular and irregular.While grammar is closed;it is regular and general.They coordinate with each other in expressing meaning.Awareness of such basic facts will help in understanding the theories and it has some implications for language description and education.