Dòng Nội dung
Discourse and language education / Evelyn Hatch.
Cambridge [England] ; Cambridge University Press, 1992
xi, 333 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Một số khuynh hướng nghiên cứu tình thái đa thức hiện nay = Cuerent trends in studying multimodality / Nguyễn Tiến Phùng. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 9 (239).

Due to the fact that images are overwhelming in current texts,language is no longer the only mode of discourse. The grammar of visual desigh developed by G.Kress and T.van Leewen in 1966 has shed lights on this field of study. The article summarises the three different kinds of meaning-makingresources simultaneously entailed in all images all images which are proposed by G. Kress and T. Van Leewen.It then provides an overview of recent trend in researching Multimodaility, there by raising some suggestions for renovation of textbook design and language teaching in Vietnam.

Phân tích bài phát biểu của tổng thống Mỹ Barack Obama về cái chết của Osama Bin Laden từ góc độ diễn ngôn phê phán = A critical discourse analysis of president barack Obama’s speech on asama binladen’s death / Bùi Thị Ánh Ngọc. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 11 (229).

This article analyzes the speech by the President of the United States, Barack Obama on the death of Osama Bin Laden on May 1st,2011 from critical discourse analysis viewpoints in order to find out the ideology embedded in the discourse, and uncovere the relationship between language and power. As a president and a commander-in-chief, when giving this announcement, President Obama remarked the huge achievement in the fight against terrorism and asserted that the Americans would never forget their loss on September 11th and forever hand in hand do whatever it takes to prevent another attack on their shores.

Phân tích diễn ngôn / Gillian Brown, George Yule ; Trần Thuần dịch.
Hà Nội : Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2002
419 tr. ; 21 cm.

Sử dụng phương pháp ngôn ngữ học để phân tích diễn ngôn.