Dòng Nội dung
A handbook for training strategy / Martyn Sloman.
Aldershot, Hampshire, England ; Gower, 1999
xx, 287 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.

Đánh giá thái độ của giáo viên và học viên một số tỉnh miền núi phía Bắc về nội dung văn hóa trong giáo trình học tiếng anh = An investigation into the attitude towards the cultural representation in english textbooks percieved by teachers and students in some northers moutainous schools / Hoàng Nguyễn Thu Trang. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 11 (229).

This research is the first attempt tom understand the perceptions of school teachers, as learners in an English proficciency course, on cultural representation in English textbooks. The aim of this exploratory study was to elicit some salient features in teachers-as-learns’ attitudes towards cultural content. The data on teachers’ attitudes were collected from a questionnaire and phone interviews to 34 school-teachers in muontainous areas, and the data on their teaching contexts arose from direct interviews to 12 teachers. The quantitative and qualitative analysis shows the impact of teaching contexts on teachers’ thoughts and the existence of traditional, English-as-an-International-Language perspectives as well as critical pedagogies. The write then gives recommendations on presenting culture in an English textbook as well as exploring cultural content in international textbook in Vietnam.

Pratiques et compétences en éducation aux médias et à l’information / Laurent Petit, ... // Communication & Langages No 201/2019-September
p. 89-109.

Cet article collectif traite de la fécondité mais aussi de la difficulté du lien entre chercheurs et praticiens dans le domaine de l’éducation aux médias et à l’information. Il ne distingue pas deux catégories d’acteurs à part qu’il faudrait arriver à faire dialoguer mais traite des enjeux actuels de la recherche dans les expérimentations et l’accompagnement des innovations. Il questionne également la place complexe du chercheur-acteur des projets qu’il observe, la nécessité de penser la distance qu’il a à parcourir pour aboutir à des questions de recherche qui aient du sens pour tous les protagonistes.