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Lựa chọn bộ chữ viết phục vụ giáo dục tiếng mẹ đẻ cho người Gia-Rai hiện nay = Options for writing system serving mother tongue education for Gia-Rai people / Đoàn Văn Phúc.
// Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 9 (227).
tr. 71-76
Writing system has a strong influence on language education and intelectual improvement for an ethnic or a nation. There are many factors influencing quanlity and effectiveness of mother tougne education for ethnic minorities in Vietnam. Gia-rai’s writing system has changed over the past 30 years. This caused difficulties for learners. This article mentions the change overs of writing system of Gia-rai and suitable solution for the system serving mother tongue education for Gia rai people today and tomoow, especially in primary education in Gia Lai province to preserve and develop role of language and culture of Gia-rai people at this time and in the future.
关于新形势下华侨母语教育问题的一些思考 = Some Reflections on the Mother Tongue Education of the Overseas Chinese under New Circumstances / GUO Xi.
// Applied linguistics. 2015, No.2.
2-9 p.
The overseas Chinese language education for children is an indispensable and featured part in the overseas Chinese education. This paper focuses on the overseas Chinese children aged 3 ~ 6 in Malaysia,and investigates their learning and use of mandarinin the family,in order to understandtheir family expectations and methodstofulfill them.
关于新形势下华侨母语教育问题的一些思考 = Some Reflections on the Mother Tongue Education of the Overseas Chinese under New Circumstances / GUO Xi.
// Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2015.
2-9 p.
The overseas learners of Chinese can be categorizedinto two types:Chinese citizens and foreigners,who are also called overseas Chinese and ethnic Chinese in general terms. And these two types are often mentioned in the same breath in the field of overseas Chinese education. This paper proposes that the mother tongue education of the overseas Chinese childrenshould be sorted out for particular treatment under new social circumstances,which is suggested to be an important part of Chinese language policies.The paperalso analyses the characteristics and the problems of this issue and offers some practical suggestions.
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