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汉语学习者“了2”陈述句语调音高的习得分析 = The Intonation Acquisition of Chinese Declarative Sentences with Modal Particle “Le”by Learners / 刘艺. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.4.
吉林省延吉市 : 双月, 2015.
p. 76-84.

Intonation is one of the most difficulties issues in Chinese phonetic acquisition. By conducting the acoustic analysis of the designed declarative sentences with modal particle "le ",we adopted the statistical methods to analyze the obtained data of leaners and natives speaker from different gender. On the basis of quantitative study of acoustic data produced by native speakers and learners,the paper aims to reveal the acquisition of Chinese intonation by foreign learners. The findings of this paper can be applyed to Chinese pedagogy,and provide objective reference to Chinese teaching.

汉语学习者陈述句音节音高的声学实验分析 = An Experimental and Acoustic Analysis of Syllables in Declarative Sentences Produced by Chinese Learners. / 刘艺;荣蓉. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2014, No. 5 (169) // 语言教学与研究 2014, 第5卷 (169)

35-42 p.

Pitch is one of the most difficult issues in Chinese tone and intonation teaching.The paper collected the data of designed declarative sentences produced by Chinese learners,applied acoustic software to measure the frequency of each syllable and discussed the pitch range,decline and other issues of the syllables in the sentences.The findings of this paper can provide objective reference to Chinese teaching.

英语学习者口语中话题结构上的韵律实现——一项基于英语即兴演讲的实证研究. /c夏志华. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第3期
tr. 398-410.

This research looks into 19 spontaneous speeches to find out how prosody correlates with the topic structure in Chinese EFL learners’ speaking in terms of 5 prosodic parameters, which belong to three categories: pitch, durational prosody and speech-rate. The findings are as follow: In terms of pitch, learners are capable of making use of the pitch reset to match the beginning or end of the topics; there are supra-declinations within independent topic units; but the prosodic features, including onset pitch, final pitch, the pitch range and speech rate, which are used by English native speakers to match the different topic transitions, are not used similarly by Chinese EFL learners. In terms of durational prosody, learners can match the length of pause before topic units with some types of topic transitions, almost like native speakers, but with room for improvement. In terms of speech-rate, learners show the biggest difference from native speakers. On the whole, learners make simple use of prosodic parameters to mark the topic structure and need to make a big effort in this respect.