Dòng Nội dung
新书目. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2014, Vol. 28.

574 p.

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汉语使成结构的发展及其类型学解释 = Typological Explanation of Causative Constructions in Chinese / 朴乡兰. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.4.
吉林省延吉市 : 双月, 2015.
p. 58-65.

The development of causative constructions is one of the most discussed topics in the history of Chinese grammar. The discussion focused on the generation and evolution processes of several kinds of causative constructions and the relationship between them. However,the motivation and mechanism of the overall development of causative constructions are not discussed enough. Especially the reason why the most significant separated type "V1+ N + V2","V1+( NP) + shi/ling / jiao +( NP) + V2"construction in the Middle Ages declined need to be further explored. In this paper,on the basis of previous studies,using of language typology theory,we will interpret systemically the evolution of causative constructions. Among many languages,the morphological differences and the meaning directness of causative constructions are closely related,i. e. the closer to the lexical causative,the more suitable for the direct causatives,and the closer to the syntactic causative,the more applicable to the indirect causative. Some causative constructions in Chinese history did notcomply with this rule,so they were eliminated in the competition with other constructions.
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类型学视角下的维吾尔语情态表达 = The Modality System in Uygur Language from the Perspective of Linguistic Typology / Li Xia ; Languages College, Xinjiang Normal University. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2014.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2014.
p. 38-41.

The modality system and its semantic analysis are focus of linguistics. From the perspective of linguistic typology, this paper briefly classifies the modality system in Uygur language, makes analysis of its semantic features, so as to reveal the universals of Uygur language
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语言共性和个性在汉语双宾语构式二语习得中的体现 = Linguistic Universals and Cross-linguistic Variations in the Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Double-object Construction. / 李昱. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 1 (171) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第1卷 (171)

10-21 p.

Based on the cross-linguistic studies of ditransitive constructions,the present paper examines how linguistic universals and some cross-linguistic differences associated with ditransitive constructions are reflected in second language acquisition.The primary objects of this paper are the acquisition of ditransitive verbs and the direct and indirect objects.Both linguistic universals and variations are found in the interlanguage of Chinese L2 learners.The interlanguage data we have adopted indicate some universal patterns,regardless of various L1 backgrounds,involving the high frequency of prototypical ditransitive verbs,their relative low error rates and the animacy of the arguments,etc.On the contrary,a subcategory of ditransitive verbs,namely,the"obtain"class verbs are distinctive for their low frequency and relative high error rates in our dataset,which is also a verb class less frequently found cross-linguistically.Nevertheless,some language universals concerning the ditransitive constructions,such as the definiteness of the objects,are not exhibited in interlanguage,whereas some language specific characteristics,such as the types of ditransitive verbs,which vary from one language to another,are neutralized in the interlanguage.
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