Nội dung
“一M比一M+VP”构式的形式和功能 = The Form and Function of the Construction “Yi M Bi Yi M + VP” / 陈满华; 赵志强.
// 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.4. 吉林省延吉市 : 双月, 2015.p. 3-13. "一M比一M+VP"构式有实比和虚比两种类型,又可分为四种格式。该构式的形式特征主要有"M"泛化、"一M比一M"固化等;句法功能方面,"一M"有指代性质,"比"有关系化趋势,"一M比一M+VP"的句法功能存在变异和萎缩现象;语义方面,"一M比一M"具有三个语义特征,VP有五种语义类型,整个构式有两种构式义,它们分别有不同的成因;"一M比一M+VP"的语用特征主要表现在主观性和蕴含义两个方面;"一M比一M+VP"的形式和功能反映了其作为典型语法构式的特征.
“有点+太+A”构式的量——兼论“有点”计量层次的迁移 = On the Quantity of ‘yǒudiǎn + tài + A’Construction. / Wang Qian.
// Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2013, Vol. 27. 376-391 p. From the quantity category perspective,this paper observes the quantity integration of‘yǒudiǎn ( 有点) + tài( 太) + A’construction,specifically its participants,process,result and effective level. Yǒudiǎn is a quantity decreasing operator,and ‘tài + A’is a measurement base point. The semantic color of A and the syntactic position of ‘tài + A’make the construction move along the continuum from objective quantity to subjective quantity and the continuum from negative quantity to positive quantity. Likewise,the decreasing function of yǒudiǎn also moves along a continuum with the quantity of language and the quantity of the objective world at its two ends. The paper also points out that there is no essential relationship between decreased quantity and small quantity. The flexible position of yǒudiǎn can be attributed to the fact that it can act on different quantity levels.