Dòng Nội dung
Bước đầu tìm hiểu sự hình thành và biến đổi về nhân danh của tộc người Êđê ở Tây Nguyên/ Đặng Minh Tâm. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8 (238).
86-92 tr.

Person names or any other names are both arbitrary and reasoned when they are viewed from different criteria. Apart from having these general features, person names of the Ede group in the Central Highlands contains specific cultural attributes of this ethnic group. One of these distinctions is illustrated through the formation an chages of person names of this ethnic group.

Tình hình nghiên cứu tên riêng chỉ người trong Việt ngữ học / Phạm Tất Thắng. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 8-9 (316-317)
66-77 tr.

In Vietnam, the person names have long attracted the attention of researchers. The first works on the names of people (mostly Vietnamese names) appeared in the 30s of the XX centyry. However, mosts research on the Vietnamese names came from ethnographic and sociological traditions. It was not until the 70-80 of the twentieth centyry that studies on person namnes from the linguistics tradition began to apper. This paper presents a review ofthe research on person names (mostly Vietnamese names) appearing in Vietnames language from the early twentieth centyry to the present.

汉字文化圈的人名用字规划实践 = The Planning of Chinese Characters for Person Names in Sinospheric Regions / 李丽. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.1.
28-37 p.

Onomastics has been an important field of sociolinguistics in relation to language management in any culture.In Sinospheric polities,the use and transliteration of person names in Chinese are characterized by distinctive features.From the perspective of language planning,this paper examines the planning and practice of anthroponymy in several Sinospheric polities.By investigating the anthroponomastic issues and proposing appropriate solutions related to Chinese characters in different socio-political contexts,this paper attempts to intensify the understanding of the complexity of onomastic planning,and shed light on standardizing the use of Chinese characters for person naming system in theory and practice.