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美国大学生专业选择与其工资收入的风险分析 = A Risk Analysis of Selection of Discipline and Income Disparity among American University Graduates / 林曾; 腾芸. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

105-110 pages.

Life course consists of a series of importantselections.Ifitisaselection,then it naturally contains risks.However,a risk analysis often needs long time observations.Based on 12 years of longitudinal survey of American high school students,this research tries to analysis the risk of income disparity among university graduates when they selecting disciplines at the beginning of their university studies.The research finds that the most popular disciplines students selected are often not the most lucrative jobs,and the highest income jobs are frequently not the most popular disciplines.Of course,many disciplines neither popular nor profitable disciplines.The conclusion of the research is that the labor markets for university graduates are always changing,and the best way to cope with labor market risk is to better prepare yourselves when studying at the university.

美国大学生专业选择与其工资收入的风险分析 = A Risk Analysis of Selection of Discipline and Income Disparity among American University Graduates / 林曾; 腾芸. // Wuhan University Journal(Philosophy & Social Sciences) Vol 68, No.3 (2015).
湖北省武汉市 : 双月, 2015
105-110 p.

Life course consists of a series of importantselections.Ifitisaselection,then it naturally contains risks.However,a risk analysis often needs long time observations.Based on 12 years of longitudinal survey of American high school students,this research tries to analysis the risk of income disparity among university graduates when they selecting disciplines at the beginning of their university studies.The research finds that the most popular disciplines students selected are often not the most lucrative jobs,and the highest income jobs are frequently not the most popular disciplines.Of course,many disciplines neither popular nor profitable disciplines.The conclusion of the research is that the labor markets for university graduates are always changing,and the best way to cope with labor market risk is to better prepare yourselves when studying at the university.

论汉语作为第二语言教学学科的语言学本质 = On the Linguistic Essence of the Discipline of TCSL / 孙德金. // 世界汉语教学 =Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2015, Vol. 29.

412-422 p.

The essence of the discipline of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language(TCSL)is controversial.To a considerable extent,this controversy has influenced the construction and development of the discipline.Through presenting and discussing common knowledge,facts,and theories about languages,linguistics and second language teaching,this article illustrates the central role of linguistics in the discipline of TCSL and establishes linguistics as the essential attribute of the discipline.