Dòng Nội dung
Définir le genre et la parenté en contexte LGBTQ : La définition comme laboratoire catégoriel et comme performance = Defining gender and kinship in LGBTQ context : Definition as categorial laboratory and as performance / Luca Greco. // Langages No.204 (12/2016).

p. 139-158.

À partir d’une ethnographie multi-sites dans les groupes de parole entre parents et futurs parents gay et lesbiennes, les atelier drag king et les manifestations politiques ayant précédé l’approbation de la loi « mariage pour tous », j’analyserai les ressources linguistiques et interactionnelles mobilisées par les participants pour définir un mot dont le contenu sémantique concerne le genre et la parenté. Dans cet article, je me pencherai d’abord sur les procédés séquentiels et catégoriels par et dans lesquels les acteurs sociaux mobilisent dans l’interaction le dispositif définitionnel « un X est un Y » (un donneur est un père) et traitent la définition comme un objet d’analyse et une ressource argumentative. Ensuite, je focaliserai mes analyses sur les modalités multisémiotiques mobilisées par les acteurs sociaux pour contester et détourner les pratiques de définition à propos du genre et de la parenté.

Tính từ trong tiếng Nhật và tiếng Việt nhìn từ góc độ ngôn ngữ học tri nhận = Adjectives in Japanese and Vietnamese laguage from the perspectives of cognitive linguistics / Nghiêm Hồng Vân. // Tạp chí Khoa học ngoại ngữ 63/2020
Hà Nội : Đại học Hà Nội, 2020
tr. 3-13

Cognitive linguistics is an interdiscriplinary branch of linguistics that studies languge on the basic of human experience and perceptions of the objective world. Nowadays, issues related to cognitive linguistics have attracted much attention from many researchers. This article presents some basic concepts in cognitive linguistics, such as category, categorization and prototype. It then points out similarrities and differences between adjectives in Japanese and Vietnamese language as well as factors forming prototypes of this category in the two languages.

When Promoting Similarity Slows Satiation: The Relationship of Variety, Categorization, Similarity, and Satiation / Jannine D. Lasaleta and Joseph P. Redden // Journal of Marketing Research: June 2018, Vol. 55, No. 3,
p. 446-457.

Satiation is an ongoing marketing challenge as it continually reduces a consumer’s ability to enjoy a favored experience. The prevailing notion is that satiation increases with similarity; hence, consumers can best slow satiation by consuming stimuli that are as different as possible. We challenge this traditional (and intuitive) view and instead propose that stimuli can be so inherently different that consumers no longer spontaneously consider them together as part of the same experience. In such cases, promoting the similarity of the stimuli can counterintuitively slow satiation. We propose that this reversal happens because finding similarities leads the consumer to place these episodes into a single ad hoc category for the ongoing experience, thereby helping the consumer fully realize the overall variety inherent across all stimuli. Five studies establish this finding across multiple domains (music, art, and food) and provide process evidence that an ad hoc categorization for the overall experience underlies our effect. Our theory and findings provide insight into how and when similarity can help or hinder satiation, and they clarify the role of ad hoc categorization in this relationship.

汉语中介语语料库标注的全面性及类别问题 = Comprehensiveness and Categorization Issues of Chinese Interlanguage Corpus Annotation. / Xiao Xiqiang;Zhou Wenhua. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2014, Vol. 28.

368-377 p.

Comprehensiveness and categorization are two important issues directly related to the scientific and practical annotation of Chinese interlanguage corpora.Comprehensive annotation should be conducted in four dimensions,namely breadth,depth,point of view and accuracy,rather than focusing on breadth only.It is also proposed that Chinese interlanguage annotation should be divided into categories of correct information and erroneous information in line with the specialty of the interlanguage corpus.Annotation codes should match annotation categories,and internal consistency and logic should be maintained of correct information codes and erroneous information codes.

疑问代词“怎么”的语义扩展过程 = The Process of Semantic Extension of Question Pronoun “Zenme”. / Wang Xiao-Qiong ; He Hong-Feng. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2013, No.6.
p. 65-73.
