Dòng Nội dung
Attitudes and anxieties of business and education students towards English: some data from the Basque Country / Alaitz Santos, Jasone Cenoz, Durk Gorter. // Language, Culture and Curriculum Volume 31, 2018 - Issue 1
p. 94-110

The aim of this article is to focus on university students’ attitudes towards English and their anxieties concerning the use of English in the Basque Country, a multilingual context where exposure to English is limited but internationalisation is an important aim. Participants were 360 undergraduate university students of business (N = 180) and education (N = 180) at the University of the Basque Country. The results of the questionnaires indicate that business students had a more positive attitude(s) towards English than education students. The findings also indicate that female business students have a relatively positive attitude in comparison to male business students but also a higher level of anxiety. The results are discussed as related to the situation of English-medium instruction in Southern European bilingual areas and previous studies on gender, attitudes and anxiety.

Đặc điểm nội dung khen về hình thức bên ngoài của con người từ góc độ giới = Charcteristics of compliment content on appearance of people from the perspective of gender / Phạm Thị Hà. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 1 (231).
69-76 tr.

Appearancr is a factor that always gets a high percentage in complimenting of any social group. This is the most popular topic, easy to make the compliment and also marked differences in gender. This article focuse on content characteristics of compliments about appearance of people from a gender perspective in two age group: young and middle-aged, including 13 specific contents compliment.

Définir le genre et la parenté en contexte LGBTQ : La définition comme laboratoire catégoriel et comme performance = Defining gender and kinship in LGBTQ context : Definition as categorial laboratory and as performance / Luca Greco. // Langages No.204 (12/2016).

p. 139-158.

À partir d’une ethnographie multi-sites dans les groupes de parole entre parents et futurs parents gay et lesbiennes, les atelier drag king et les manifestations politiques ayant précédé l’approbation de la loi « mariage pour tous », j’analyserai les ressources linguistiques et interactionnelles mobilisées par les participants pour définir un mot dont le contenu sémantique concerne le genre et la parenté. Dans cet article, je me pencherai d’abord sur les procédés séquentiels et catégoriels par et dans lesquels les acteurs sociaux mobilisent dans l’interaction le dispositif définitionnel « un X est un Y » (un donneur est un père) et traitent la définition comme un objet d’analyse et une ressource argumentative. Ensuite, je focaliserai mes analyses sur les modalités multisémiotiques mobilisées par les acteurs sociaux pour contester et détourner les pratiques de définition à propos du genre et de la parenté.