Dòng Nội dung
Phân chia các từ trong trường " Trang phục" theo quan hệ cấp loại. / Lê Thị Hà. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2014, Số 4 (222).
tr. 21-26.

"Costume always exists in the life of human being which is on terms of intimacy with the development of the society. Compound words in the "costume" words family as wholeness often overlap in meanings and functions. The classification relation of the compound words of costume as wholeness according o the functions can be divided into two grades, the first grade is only one word, " costume , the rest words such as " regimentals, military uniform, combat suits, police uniform, ceremony dress, liveries, " mourning clothes " all belongs to the second grade in which all the words are equally ranked and one grade under in comparison with "costume".

汉语作为二语的分级读物考察——兼谈与其他语种分级读物的对比 = An Investigation of Graded Chinese Reading Materials——Also on the Comparison with Reading Materials in Other Languages / 周小兵; 钱彬. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
107-116 p.

This study investigated four graded Chinese reading materials by examining such indicators as specific users,content choice,language difficulty and grade setting.The thesis pointed out the problems existing in some reading materials: 1) Some materials have no specific target users;2) The content is outdated with a narrow range of topics;3) The language is too difficult;4) grade setting is not appropriate.And some strategies for the development of graded Chinese reading materials are suggested: 1) Optimize the research and development team;2) Adopt a new concept in book compiling and writing;3) Adjust the topics and control the grade of vocabulary and the length of sentences.