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初级汉语学习者同形语素意识与词义推测、阅读理解的关系研究 / 朱文文; 程璐璐; 陈天序; // Chinese Teaching in the World 2018(02)


This study mainly investigates how homograph awareness(HA)in Chinese affects Chinese as a foreign language(CFL)learners’ lexical inference and reading comprehension.A total of 40 CFL learners at the elementary level at one Chinese university were included.There were four paper-pencil tasks,including two HA tasks,one lexical inference task,and one reading comprehension task.The results show that compared with the learners with lower HA,those with higher HA had better abilities of lexical inference and reading comprehension and that HA had significant contribution to the learners’ reading ability.Therefore,Chinese instructors are suggested to help CFL learners develop their HA from the elementary level

汉语儿童同音语素识别能力与词汇量、阅读理解的关系 = Relation of Homophone Identification to Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary in Chinese Children / 叶青青; 耿耀国. // Applied linguistics. 2013, No.2.
72-79 p.

To examine the relationship of homophone identification to reading comprehension and vocabulary in Chinese children,194 children from two ordinary kindergartens and one primary school from Zhengzhou,Henan Province were assessed with Homophone Identification Test,Vocabulary Test and Reading Comprehension Test.The result showed that homophone identification ability of children in grade one was significantly higher than that of preschool children.There are significant differences between the three grades in vocabulary and reading comprehension tests.Homophone identification,vocabulary and reading comprehension positively correlated with one another.Significant full mediation of vocabulary on the association between homophone identification and reading comprehension were revealed.It suggested that homophone identification could help enhance Chinese children’s reading comprehension level by expanding their vocabulary.

生词密度、文体对不同层面二语阅读理解的影响 = The Effect of Unknown Vocabulary Density and Text Genre on Question Types of Chinese Reading Comprehension / WU Si-na; Beijing Foreign Studies University. // 漢語學習 = Chinese Language Learning (Hanyu Xuexi) 2015, No.2.
p. 81-88.

With experimental method,we explored the effect of unknown vocabulary density and text genre on question types of Chinese reading comprehension.The results found that main effects of unknown vocabulary density and text genre.Meanwhile,another two significant interactions are observed,which are interaction of question types and text genre and interaction of question types,text genre and unknown vocabulary density.Relative reasons and pedagogical implications are discussed based on the results.