Dòng Nội dung
国际汉语教学的语言文字标准问题 = Linguistic Standards of Chinese as a Foreign Language / 李泉. // Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 4 (174) // 语言教学与研究 2015, 第4卷 (174)

1-11 p.


汉语国际化的内涵、趋势与对策= The connotation,trend and trategies of the internationalization of Chinese. / LI Quan; ZHANG Haitao. // Applied linguistics. 2014, No.2.
107-117 p.

This paper argues that the internationalization of Chinese at present has the following features: increasing diversity of learners’ background,high intake,welldeveloped teaching system,localized teaching,extensive application,and widely-accepted international medium. Based on the analysis of five aspects including economic factors and China’s globalization course,this paper argues that the global spread of Chinese is an irreversible trend. It points out that the key strategies of promoting the internationalization of Chinese include the enactment of the overall teaching objective,the promotion of localized teaching,an involvement in the national educational system overseas,and the perfection of international Chinese education as a discipline. Meanwhile,it’s emphasized that the development of Chinese as an international language will be a long-term process, during which setbacks are inevitable. International Chinese education should be carried out in line with the laws of L2 teaching,that is to say,the disciplinary development should not be mistaken for career development.