Dòng Nội dung
Misunderstanding comprehension / Michael Swan, Catherine Walter. // ELT Journal Volume 71, Issue 2, 1 April 2017

p. 228–236.

Lessons designed to teach reading and listening typically concentrate on the use of higher-level skills and strategies, such as predicting, scanning, inferencing, understanding text structure, or activating background knowledge. Given that these normal communication skills are already available to students for mother-tongue use, they should generally be accessible in the new language without further training, once fluent and accurate low-level decoding and parsing have been automatized enough to free up mental space for higher-level processing. With some exceptions, any remaining comprehension problems are likely to arise from specific linguistic features of the input: for instance unknown vocabulary, textual density, syntactic complexity, or difficulty in dealing with the phonetic characteristics of fast speech. Such difficulties are best addressed not by top-down skills-and-strategies work, which often fills valuable class time to little purpose, but by more closely focused training based on a careful assessment of the real problems involved.

Tích hợp ngữ dụng học trong việc giảng dạy ngữ pháp Tiếng Anh theo đường hướng giao tiếp = Intergrate pragmatics in teaching English grammar communicatively / Trần Ngọc Diêm Khánh. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).
tr. 61-64

This paper aimes to examine the importance of grammatical knowledge in the development of communication skills and to bring some of those insights from pragmatics into English grammar classroom at the university level. The major principle is that when grammar is taught for communication, clauses or any other grammatical items should be held as resources in context. Thus, it is necessary for teachers of English to adapt more classroom activities so as so to make grammar communicative in context. Some demonsrations of grammar teaching and communicative language teaching will also be concern of this paper.