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‘We are creating a reality’: teacher agency in early bilingual education : Deborah Dubiner. // Language, Culture and Curriculum Volume 31, 2018 - Issue 3.
p. 255-271

This study was conducted within the context of bilingual Arabic-Hebrew medium preschools in Israel which were established to incorporate instruction in the native languages of both majority and minority children in the classroom. Bilingual education in various settings produces a wide variety of outcomes in terms of language proficiency, cultural awareness, and scholastic achievement. The purpose of the present study was to examine teacher agency in changing the language model of the preschool that aimed at enhancing willingness to use L2 (Arabic) among the Hebrew-speaking 4–6-year-old children. Two research questions guided this study: 1) How did teachers implement their agency in the process of language model modification; and 2) Is there a correspondence between teachers’ perception of their role in the process and the observed language practices in the preschool? To answer these questions, we used multiple sources of qualitative data, such as observations and interviews. The findings indicate that teachers saw themselves as agents of linguistic change and were adamant about providing the class with maximum exposure to Arabic during the designated period of the project. Secondly, teachers made use of several strategies aimed at enhancing Arabic L2 output amongst Hebrew-speaking children who were previously reluctant to use the language. Finally, there is a clear correspondence between teachers’ and researchers’ perception of the former’s agency in the modification of the language model. The findings are discussed from the perspective of strategic and critical pedagogies.

俄罗斯及中亚留学生称呼语使用情况调查及教学对策 = Surveys on Chinese Salutation Use of Russian and Central Asian students and Teaching Strategies / 朱晓军. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 3, 2013.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2013.
p. 89-92.

The use of Chinese salutation is the difficulty of foreign students in cross-cultural communication.This paper focuses on the use of Chinese salutation of students of Central Asia and Russia,and analyzes several salutation communication strategies such as mother tongue influence and target language influence.It has been proposed the recommendations of the Chinese title in Chinese teaching.

维吾尔族学生汉语“比”字句偏误分析及教学策略 = An Analysis of Errors by Uygur Students in Learning Chinese Sentence of Comparative Degree / 房玉霞. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 3, 2013.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2013.
p. 74-78.

The article,based on "HSK dynamic composition corpus",using comparative study method,collected the number of errors of Chinese "than" word sentences in students daily communication、homework and questionnaire,aimed to identify,describe,arrange and classify these errors.These errors are to be summarized and described as typical types and grammatical types.In analyzing Chinese sentence of comparative degree,comparative method,comparisons,comparative item,conclusion are to be studied to explore the cause of errors,and strategies are put forward to improve the learning of this kind of sentence.