Dòng Nội dung
Bước đầu khảo sát hiện tượng ý niệm hóa cảm xúc qua các động từ chuyển động = A preliminary investigation into emotional conceptualization by means of motion verbs / Lê Văn Thanh. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2015, Số 5 (235).
tr. 7-12

This paper investigates the role of motion verbs in the representing emotiona states by the means of a cross-lingustic obvervation of English and Vietnamese, focusing on the emotion HAPPINESS in the English and one of its equivalents, VUI SƯỚNG, in Vietnamese. The results reveals the metaphorical extension of movement constructions to conceptualize emotions in both languages. It is cocluded that the use of verb encoding manner of physical movement to conceptualize a cognitive/psychological state of emotion in both languages is based on the same conceptual metaphor framework.