Dòng Nội dung
《南村辍耕录》中词的音节结构和新词新义分析 = An Analysis of Word Syllable Structure and New Word Meaning in "Farming in Nan Village" / 徐朝晖. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 3, 2013.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2013.
p. 13-16.

Using the Yuan Dynasty "Encyclopedia"Tao Zongyi"Farming in Nan Village" as the text,the author analyzed word syllable distribution and made detailed list so as to study the ratio of monosyllabic word and polysyllabic word,the way the words formed and their development.By exploring the new meaning of new words in"Farming in Nan Village",the author aims to assess the corpus value,to provide reference for revealing the characteristics and rules of lexical development.

Âm tiết tiếng Việt và sự thể hiện “chức năng thi ca”./ Nguyễn Quang Hồng // Ngôn ngữ. 2014, Số 2 (297).
tr. 22-32.

Monosyllabism in the Vietnamese language decides syllables’ crucial function in constructing a verse’s melody and sonority as well as Vietnamese poetry versification in general. Syllables and their elements from a traditional point of view are the actual sounds that function to connect and symbolize the expressions in a verse. The author also studies the methods of rhythm breaking, rhythm finding and the contrast between even and uneven tones as well as between the sound levels in Vietnamese poetry, comparing with other nation’s poetries (such as Russian, Chinese…) with a view to highlight their specific and typological characteristics in performing the poetic function in Vietnamese poetic words.

韵律音系学与汉语韵律研究中的若干问题 = Some issues on prosodic phonology and Chinese prosodic studies. / Zhang Hongming. // Contemporary linnguistics. 2014, Vol. 16, No.3.
p. 303-327.

This article introduces the basic concepts about prosodic phonology for the purpose of clarification,confirms the principles & methods of prosodic unit through discussion,and examines the application of these methods to Chinese.The article centers on the differentiating of concepts of prosodic phonology,the definition of prosodic structure,current major issues such as what is a prosodic unit and how a specific prosodic unit is defined,the mismatch between syntax and phonology,and the build-up of the prosodic hierarchy in Chinese.