Nội dung
“是”字强调焦点句的语调实验研究 = The Experimental Study on the Intonation of the Emphatic Sentences with Marked Word “Shi” / Wang Ping; The School of Literature,Nankai Universit.
// Chinese Language Learning. Hanyu xuexi . 2015, No.3. 2015.p. 78-88. Using acoustic and auditory methods,we conducted a systematical investigation on the emphatic sentence with marked word "shi" spoken by 6 beijing native speakers who are speak standard Mandarin Chinese.The study included the following contents:the pitch representations of the phrase range and syllable range in the sentence;Compared with the declarative sentences with natural focus,we got the function domain and function way of the focus;In contrast with the emphatic sentences without "shi",and combining the stress perceptional experiment on the two types of emphatic sentences with and without "shi",the contribution of "shi" to the focus was be disclosed.In detail,the results suggested that "shi" not only indicated the focus,but also played a key role in strengthening the accent of the focus which made the focus stress to be at the higher degree.This paper could deepen our knowledge on the emphatic sentence with marked words "shi",moreover,it may provide an empirical reference to the study on the emphatic sentences with other marked words like "lian","jiu" and so on.
实验语言哲学:革故鼎新抑或陈陈相因? / 李金彩; 刘龙根.
// Language teaching and linguistic studies. 2015, No. 3
// 语言教学与研究 2015, 第3卷 273-283 p. 近十年来,西方语言哲学界兴起的实验研究倍受关注。一些语言哲学家相继诉诸实验手段对经典的语言哲学论题展开实证研究,获得了引人瞩目却又颇富争议的研究结果。实验语言哲学对传统语言哲学坐而论道的惯常路径形成强大的冲击,但迄今的实验语言哲学在研究内容与方法上均存在局限性,尚需不断完善,逐步克服。尽管如此,实验语言哲学并非只是新瓶装旧酒,陈陈相因;相反,实验语言哲学有助于传统语言哲学的革故鼎新,昭示着良好的发展前景。
美国学生“识词不识字”现象实验研究 = An Experimental Study on “识词不识字” Phenomenon among American Students. / YANG Yuling; FU Yuping.
// Applied linguistics. 2014, No.2. 2014.118-126 p. This is an experimental study on "识词不识字"phenomenon,that is, foreign students recognize the words rather than the individual Chinese characters that compose them. Study shows American students have a more serious problem than Japanese and Korean students in this regard. There are four types of mistakes made by American students,among which misreading the final character as the first character and being more capable at recognizing source words than words are major problems.. It finds that the source words are obviously much easier than the words misread. Finally,the reasons for the phenomenon are analyzed based on the experimental results,and the corresponding countermeasures are put forward.