Dòng Nội dung
Một số yếu tố ảnh hưởng đến hành động thích ứng của nông dân đối với các chương trình thích ứng biến đổi khí hậu ở một số nước châu Phi. / Dương Thị Minh Phượng. // Tạp chí Khoa học. 2014, Số 58 (92).
tr. 172-177.

Active farmer adaptation to climate change is very important in combating worldwide climate change in developing countries (Stern 2007). This paper, therefore, is conducting a literature review on farmers’ perception and adaptation to climate change in some countries of Africa region. It, particularly, identifies factors, which affect farmers’ adaptation behavior, including education level, the access to extension services, the availability of credit, or household size… This paper is concluded with some recommendations for adaptation policy reforms in these areas.

So sánh hình ảnh người trí thức và nông dân trong sáng tác của Nam Cao và Lỗ Tấn / Nguyễn Ngọc Lân, Quách Văn Đẩu. // Tạp chí Khoa học Ngoại ngữ Số 45/2015

In the Vietnamese literary circles, Nam Cao, whose works had made extensive impact on not only national but also international literatures, is a critical realistic writer. Meanwhile in China, Lu Xun is a famous critical realistic writer who set the first step in the Chinese modern literature. Two writers, one Vietnamese and one Chinese, had a common point in their writing careers, which is that their works focused on the fates of the petty bourgeoisies and on the image of the honest peasants in the feudalism. Exploring the commons in their points of view, their writing styles, as well as in their arts of making plot are tempting whoever has a mania for literature. So that this article will not only help us learn more about the similarities as well as the differences in the way of describing the knowledge petty bourgeoisies and the peasants in the previous regimes of Nam Cao and Lu Xun but also point out how the two writers told the stories of these two types of characters very vividly, which attributes to the valuable storage for researches and comparisons between Nam Cao and Lu Xun.

Tâm lý nông dân trong thời kỳ đầu phát triển kinh tế thị trường / Đỗ Long, Vũ Dũng chủ biên.
Hà Nội : Khoa học xã hội, 2002.
250 tr. ; 19 cm.
Trung tâm Khoa học xã hội và Nhân văn Quốc gia. Viện tâm lý học.

Xưng hô trong giao tiếp vợ chồng nông dân người Việt. (Trên cứ liệu một số tác phẩm văn học giai đoạn 1930-1945). / Khuất Thị Lan. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống. 2014, Số 7 (225).
tr. 18-25.

Spousal communication lies within family communicative behaviors between people of opposite sex. Therefore, themes of communication and language acts are influenced primarily by two factors which are family and gender. This article investigates ways of addressing in communication of Vietnamese peasants during 1930-1945 which indicates the impacts of feudal society on these forms of address.

中国农业农村农民 : 专著 / 党国英著.
北京 : 五洲传播出版社, 2006
111页 图 ; 21 cm.
