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从“后院”抗争到公众参与——对城市化进程中邻避抗争研究的反思 = From “the Backyard Contention”to Public Participation ——A Review on the NIMBY Contention in the Process of Urbanization / 崔晶. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

28-35 p.

The discussion on NIMBY contention is a popular issue among scholars all over the world in the process of urbanization.Their arguments revolve around three dimensions:science-society relationship,environment-society relationship and state-society relationship in NIMBY contention.To analyze the characteristics and action types of NIMBY contention in China through these three dimensions will help to demonstrate the relationships among the state,society,environment and science and would provide a possible solution for mitigating NIMBY contention in China.Under the current political system,agovernance framework composed of local government,the public,NGOs and NIMBY enterprises would help to negotiate and solve the NIMBY contention.

公民性视域下我国邻避冲突的生成机理探析——基于10起典型案例的考察 = The Formation Mechanism of China’s NIMBY Conflict from the Perspective of Civility ——Based on the Analysis of 10Typical Cases / 谭爽;胡象明. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

36-43 p.

With the deepening of China’s urbanization process,NIMBY(Not in My Back Yard)conflict is constantly upgrading,which has caused negative influence on project construction,economic development and social operation.At present,scholars in the theoretical circle place emphasis on studying its reasons in the legal,administrative,economic etc.aspects,but they neglect the important role played by civic literacy and behavior in the conflict.Based on this,from the perspective of"civility",the paper applies 8observational variables and 21 measuring indexes to conduct a comprehensive systemization and comparative analysis of 10 typical cases and rethink about the generation mechanism of NIMBY conflict.As indicated by the results,"cognitive factor"is the foundation that forms the conflict,"skill factor"is the support of rational development of the conflict and"moral factor"is the key to resolve the conflict.Only by making proper use of civic skills,fulfilling public liabilities and abiding by public moralities while advocating legitimate rights can citizens break through the vicious cycle of NIMBY conflict fundamentally.