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“隐微传统”与政治哲学的重建——解读列奥·施特劳斯的“苏格拉底问题”= “Esoteric Tradition”and the Reconstruction of Political Philosophy ——An Interpretation to Leo Strauss’ “Socratic Issues” / 张敏. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

21-27 p.

Leo Strauss is identified with his unique study on "Classical Political Philosophy"in contemporary western intellectual,the core work of which is to reinterpret the well-known"Socratic Issues"in history of thought.By contrasting poet Aristophanes and philosopher Plato in Ancient Greece,Strauss raises a version of"Two Socrates",which are"Young Socrates"who assailed justice or piety and lacked of self-knowledge,and"Grown Socrates"who defended justice and piety,and provided of Phronesis.Strauss explains the key reason to this"Change"is that Plato’s"Grown Socrates"has already realized philosophers must"descend to the cave"and undertake a political behaviour due to the understanding of the basic conflict between "Knowledge"and "Opinion",wisdom and agreement,or philosophy and political society.Meanwhile,the"Exoteric-Esoteric Double Teaching"rediscovered by Strauss’ studies on the philosophers of Middle Islam and Judaism provides an important theoretical tool to support his version of"Two Socrates".It is the very result of comprehensively explaining the general significance of the"Exoteric Teaching"of"Grown Socrates"that Strauss draws our attention to the"Priority of Political Philosophy":Political philosophy achieves to tame philosophy socially as well as protects the philosophic way of life donated to seeking for wisdom and truth

君主、共和与马基雅维利的政治创建理论 = The Prince,Republic and Machiavelli’s Understanding of Political Founding / 陈华文. // Wuhan Universiy Journal. 2015, Vol. 68. // 武汉大学学报. 哲学社会科学版g2015, 第68卷.

15-20 p.

The tension between the prince and republic in Machiavelli’s works makes him the most controversial thinker in the history,yet what Machiavelli concerns behind such external antagonism is how to found an everlasting republic.The founding of a great republic is one of the most important issues in Machiavelli’s works and his understanding of founding just can be generalized into three moments of Machiavelli:(a)the solo moment that one to order,many to maintain,(b)the collective founding by the conflicts between the nobility and the plebs and(c)the continuous founding that bring the republic back to its beginning.In all these three moments,the combination of the dominated power of a prince and a republic is essential to the everlasting free order for a polity.