Dòng Nội dung
Phạm trù ngữ nghĩa cảu (...) trong thành ngữ tiếng Hán nhìn từ lí thuyết nguyên mẫu / Nguyễn Thị Hương Giang. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 10 (240).
101 - 105 tr.

Polysemy is a common phenomenon in human language. The wxtencion of word meaning is not irregular or arbitary, instead ther are innate laws to follow. In Chinese, (...)(rain) is a common natural penomenon. For this natural phenomenon people have very rich expericence. (...)(rain) is defined as the drops of water which fall from the clouds. (...) as the source domain is mapped into different target domains which creating the other senses of it. From the perspective of cognitive linguistics, prototype theory is used to analyze the semantic structure of (...)(rain) in Chinese idioms with a purpose to give amore objectivef and systematics interpretation to the origin and development of its prototypical sense and other derived senses.