Dòng Nội dung
《语言与翻译》2015年总目录 // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 95-96.

从文化差异看语言间的异同——以英语、汉语和维吾尔语疑问结构构成对比研究为例 = A Look at the Language Similarities and Differences from the Perspective of Cultural Variations : Based on a Contrastive Study on the Formation of English,Chinese and Uyghur Question Sentences / Litip Tohti; The Department of Uyghur Language and Literature Minzu University of China. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 5-14.

There is no doubt that the use of question sentences is the reflection of one of the main cognitive activities of man,thus it can be viewed as a rule of Universal Grammar(UG).However,the natural human languages differ from each other in terms of the formation of question sentences.For instance,wh-movement languages and wh-word remaining in situ languages reflect two different parameters.Based on a contrastive study on the formation of the three types of question sentences,namely,yes-no question、wh-question and disjunctive-question of English,Chinese and Uyghur while examining the economy of their formation,the focusing degree of the questioned objects and answering mechanisms,this paper aims at finding out similarities and differences of these languages in both linguistic and cultural level.

基于JAVAEE的维吾尔中介语语料库开发与实现=The Development and Implementation of Uyghur Interlanguage Based on JAVAEE / 买吾浪江·艾依提, 张太红, 杨文革. // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 4, 2015.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.
p. 47-51.

文章的研究基于Java EE设计开发了维吾尔中介语语料库管理系统,解决了维文、数字、英文字母与符号混排时格式错误问题,设计了维文JS输入包,用户无需安装第三方维文输入法,可以在本系统直接输入维文,顺利地完成对中介语语料的录入、审核、标注和检索等工作。

基于语料库的现代维吾尔语摹拟词的构词功能及其特点分析 / 虎若楠. // 语言与翻译 ,Language and Translation No 2.2018.

tr. 23-28

Modern Uyghur onomatopoeia is a kind of important notional words with abundant vocabulary, wide application, strong word-formation ability and bright image color. In this paper, with the help of "Explanatory Dictionary of Modern Uyghur" as a corpus, quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis are used. Starting the discussion with the productivity of onomatopoeia in modern Uyghur, the verbs, adverbs and other word classes that can be constructed from onomatopoeia are classified, and their p... More.

大学生口语语码转换句法形态研究——以维汉语码转换为例 = A Morphosyntactic Study of Code-switching among University Students in Oral Conversation / Gulixia Akebaer; Foreign Language School,Shaanxi Normal University;Foreign Language School,Xinjiang Education Institute // 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2014.
新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2014.
p. 42-46+50.

Based on 160 natural 3 minutes conversations of native Uygur university students on some informal occasions, the present study integrates both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the types of UygurChinese code-switching, the selections and usage of Chinese words,phrases, morphosyntax. The results above firstly show that intra-sentential code-switching are mainly use in these conversations. Secondly, the usage of Chinese words and phrases are limited. Nearly all the Embedded Chinese lexical morphemes follow clearly the morphosyntactic rules of Uygur language. Thirdly, the syntactic selections and usage of Uygur-Chinese codeswitching used by Uygur university students proves Chinese words and phrases are all embedded in the frame of Uygur language and nearly all of them follow the syntactic rules of Uygur language. The locations of Chinese words and phrases in Uygur-Chinese code-switching used by Uygur university students are also limited. After all, the research proves that Uygur-Chinese code-switching follow certain Uygur language grammatical rules. This is in agreement with Scotton’s Matrix Language Frame model that the morphosyntax rules are definitely determined by the dominant language