Dòng Nội dung
Vốn từ vay mượn từ tiếng Anh của tiếng Thái Lan / Nguyễn Tương Lai. // Ngôn ngữ và đời sống 2015, Số 6 (236).
27-30 tr.

The article raised a point where Thai people borrowed English words in order to enrich their speaking vocabulary. Through this borrowing process, Thai people created many kids of borrowing methods and rules, from simply depicting to diversed phonetic Pali-Sankrit language, the modern Thai language tends to replace Englih words by Thai Pali-Sanskrit words. However, Thai scholars to day still interject English words in to Thai speaking language. Especially, although Thai people use a lot of Englihs words, they still express these words in Thai writing.