Dòng Nội dung
《世界华文教育年鉴(2013)》出版. // Shijie Hanyu Jiaoxue. 2014, Vol. 28.

355 p.


国产影视作品的译制与国际传播. / 闫成胜. // 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2014, Vol. 35, No.4.
北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2014
tr. 8-9.


早期儒家典籍英语转译中的文化传播研究 / 范祥涛. // Foreign Language Teaching and Research. 5/2018.

tr. 770-778+801

Some Chinese classics of philosophy were first translated into other European languages or cited in works by sinologists before at that time. In the end, they were re-translated into English. This research bases itself on the concept of translation description, adopts such research methods as historical literature analysis and network large data retrieval and resorts to published catalogues to study the re-translation of Chinese classics of philosophy into English. It is found that quite a few C... More

观音菩萨鎏金铜立像[北魏永平二年(509年)传世品] / 姜宁, 赵邦茗. // Journal of Nanjing University: Philosophy, Humanities and Social Sciences 2015, Vol. 52, No. 5. // 南京大学学报 : 哲学社会科学 2015, 第4卷
27-35 p.


道安译论的文化传播内涵及现实意义 = Cultural Transmission in Dao An’s Theory of Translation and Its Significance / 罗铮 // Language and Translation no. 4(2016) // 语言与翻译 no. 4 (2016).

67-72 p.

Dao An’s theory of translation has been appreciated highly by Chinese scholars,but it is traditionally conceptualized as translation methodologies featured with shi-ben and literalism.Such interpretation obviously ignores the connotation of culture transmission in Dao An’s theory of translation.Therefore,the thesis will explain the cause of its misinterpretation in China,analyze its connotation in Buddhist culture transmission and the correlation between culture transmission and specific translation strategies,and explore its inspiration for the translation of Chinese literature to the west and for the Chinese cultural "going abroad".