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从英汉比较看汉语的名物化结构. / 陆烁, 潘海华.
// Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.5.
// 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第5期 2013.tr. 643-656. "春天的到来"代表了一类特殊的汉语"的"字结构,给语言分析带来了诸多挑战。本文证明这类结构由相应结构在句法层面发生名物化得来。通过与英语领属形式名物化结构(possessive gerund)进行比较分析,本文证明汉语领属名物化结构和英语-ing形式的领属名物化结构具有平行的生成方式,也存在VP名物化和V名物化的层次区分。本文的分析解决了以前研究所存在的问题,可以解释领属名物化结构的种种句法、语义特征,帮助更好地厘清几种形式相似而性质不同的句法结构,包括词汇层名物化(名词化)和句法层名物化(狭义的名物化)的界限。本文的分析还完善了普遍语法视野下的名物化、名词短语研究。
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形态分布学与汉语“的”的句法地位研究 = A Study on Distributed Morphology and the Syntactic Status of "De" / Li Yan-hua; School of Foreign Languages Central South University.
// 语言与翻译 = Language and translation No. 2, 2015. 新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐市 : 语言文字工作委员会, 2015.p. 15-21. "De" in Mandarin Chinese is so frequently used that many phrases consist of it.Since the 1990 s the syntactic status of "De" has been approached from different perspectives in the framework of Transformational Generative Grammar and two major views have been formed,namely,"De" is the complementizer in CP and the "Determiner" in DP.Based on a thorough analysis of these two views this thesis argues that they are both theoretically and methodologically deficient.Under the framework of Distributed Morphology,this thesis argues that "De" is the light noun n which decides the nominal lexical morphemes.In this way,not only the nominal nature of the whole De constructions but also the dual nature of the verbal elements after De can be adequately explained.This argument will also eradicate the problems brought by structures like "De+X" which is the product of Determiner Analysis and Complementizer Analysis.
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语义省略“的”字结构中心语自动补全研究 / 戴茹冰, 侍冰清, 李斌, 曲维光
// 汉语学习 No.5/2019 tr.45-53 省略作为一种复杂的语言现象,一直是汉语语义研究的重要课题。如何将省略的语义内容补全以还原句子的完整语义也是机器理解自然语言的关键。本文基于AMR(Abstract Meaning Representation)语料统计得到含有语义省略信息的"的"字结构,针对特指性和泛指性省略类型,采用特殊句式核心谓词对应主宾语和基于谓词框架抽取核心谓词搭配必有论元成分的策略,确定补全的语义类别。研究结果表明,该方法对于省略"的"字结构中心语补全有较好的效果,可为自动理解深层语义奠定基础。
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