Dòng Nội dung
从《高僧传》看早期佛音汉化及其对佛经翻译的影响 = The Transformation of Buddhist Tones in Early Period of Translation History and its Influences on Buddhist Sutra Translations in the Perspective of The Eminent Monks / 蒋哲杰. // 语言与翻译 = Language and Translation no. 4 (2016).
p. 62-66+72.

Buddhist sutras translated into Chinese are not just for reading,but also for reciting,thus the issue of localization of rhythm and music cannot be ignored.The re-presentation of Buddhist tones in China can be showed in the development from Sanskrit chanting,transformational prosodic reciting,preaching with performances and Buddhist music.Take three chapters in The Eminent Monks as examples,a deeper understanding may be achieved regarding the function and meaning of Buddhist rhythm,the way of its localization and development of Buddhist discourse.With the description of the interaction between text and rhythm,we may have a new interpretation of the history of Buddhist sutra translation
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从《高僧传》看早期佛音汉化及其对佛经翻译的影响 = The Transformation of Buddhist Tones in Early Period of Translation History and its Influences on Buddhist Sutra Translations in the Perspective of The Eminent Monks / 蒋哲杰 // Language and Translation no. 4(2016)

62-66+72 p.

Buddhist sutras translated into Chinese are not just for reading,but also for reciting,thus the issue of localization of rhythm and music cannot be ignored.The re-presentation of Buddhist tones in China can be showed in the development from Sanskrit chanting,transformational prosodic reciting,preaching with performances and Buddhist music.Take three chapters in The Eminent Monks as examples,a deeper understanding may be achieved regarding the function and meaning of Buddhist rhythm,the way of its localization and development of Buddhist discourse.With the description of the interaction between text and rhythm,we may have a new interpretation of the history of Buddhist sutra translation
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从梵汉对勘看汉译佛经中数的表达——以《法华经》为例. / 龙国富. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2013, Vol. 45, No.1. // 外语教学与研究 2013, 第45卷.第1期
tr. 36-48.

Characteristic expressions of number may have found in Chinese Buddhist scriptures, which are evident in three ways: (a) expressing uncertain numbers using numbers and other words rather than numbers alone; (b) representing plural numbers by “deng/cao”; (c) using conjunctions to connect numbers. By comparing Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures with their Chinese translations, we found that these peculiar ways of expression have a lot to do with the translation of Buddhist scriptures from Sanskrit.
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描写及其超越——《中国传统译论:译名研究》评介 / 邢杰. // 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2014, Vol. 35, No.6
北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2014

<正>1. 引言对译名原则、方法及统一问题的讨论是贯穿中国翻译理论/思想史的一条重要线索,朱志瑜教授与黄立波教授合著的《中国传统译论:译名研究》(以下简称《译名研究》)是对该论题爬梳剔抉、分析提炼后的集中呈现。两位作者讨论了从东汉到1949年,中、外学者在中国、用中文发表的探讨译名的文章,内容既包含释道安、释法云、释僧睿、释赞宁等早期佛经译者的议论,又包括高凤谦、胡以鲁、鲁迅、朱自清等后世学者的思考,还总结了利玛窦、傅兰雅、
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