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至显而寓至微,至约而寓至博——对《繙清说》“翻译之道”的解读. / 李腾龙; 张政.
// 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2014, Vol. 35, No.4. 北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2014tr. 32-35. 《繙清说》是清人魏象乾于乾隆五年所著的翻译专论,尘埋韬晦近两个世纪,虽然只有区区一千六百字,但其内容涉及我国译论核心问题,堪称古代译论的殿作,可惜至今未引起译界足够的重视。笔者试图对《繙清说》一文的翻译标准、翻译批评、翻译人才的培养与翻译技能的提高等内涵进行解读挖掘、探幽发微,以期丰富中国传统译学理论史,推动中国特色译学的发展。
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语言的维度与翻译的限度及标准 = Linguistic Dimension as a Determinant of the Limits and the Standards of Translation / ZHU Heng; Zhongnan University of Economics and Law.
// 中国翻译 ,Chinese Translators Journal 2015(02) 北京市 : [中國外文出版發行事業局], 2015p.5-10+128. Language is generally understood as possessing three dimensions—the instrumental, the ideational, as well as the poetic dimension. This trio of aspects are marked respectively with an orientation toward the signified, a balanced concern with both the signified and the signifier, and an orientation toward the signifier. Seen from this perspective, translation may also be defined as an activity that reproduces in the TT the signifier/signified relation dominant in the ST. The signifiedoriented ST has a higher degree of translatability. Since conveying information and meaning is the primary function of this type, intelligibility(da 达) ought to be adopted as the standard. A ST whose use of language is concerned equally with the signifier and the signified, however, is translatable but demands greater efforts for its rendition. The primary standard in this case must be faithfulness(xin 信), the attainment of which often requires the invention of new signifiers to carry over the meaning. The signifier-oriented ST is all but untranslatable. Embellishment(ya 雅) should therefore predominate as the standard for evaluating its rendition.
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