Nội dung
À propos de la particule russe ved’ / Tatiana Bottineau.
// http://www.revues.armand-colin.com/lettres-langues/langages/langages-ndeg-207-32017/propos-particule-russe-ved
// Langages no 207 (3/2017) 2017pp. 105-116. The singular unit ved’ belongs to the class of discursive markers (DM) named “particles”. Although ved’ has no exact equivalents in other languages, its semantic identity can be defined through the description of the regular discursive processes at work with this DM. The discursive semantics of this particle unfolds onto two levels. First, it sets up the opposition p/p’, where p, enunciative scope of ved’, is a referential value and p’, explicitly or implicitly present in the context, is in different degrees its competitive value. Then, ved’ operates the resorption of the alterity p/p’ through its etymological value intrinsically linked with the notion of knowledge. Presented retroactively as an “objective knowledge”, p is an argument which makes it possible to transform a subjective representation of the situation Z into an objective representation and deprives p’ of all its legitimacy.
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Le marqueur discursif maa en japonais / Fumitake Ashino.
// Langages no 207 (3/2017) 2017pp. 117-128. The particle maa is a most frequent marker in spoken Japanese, showing quite different values. This article proposes a hypothesis on the semantics of maa, defined as marking the doubt of the speaker as regards the validation of an event or a fact (noted P) as given in the left context or in the situation. This semantic identity of maa endows P with both a positive and a negative value – the negative component specifying the subjective relation of the speaker to P. Five main types of uses of maa are distinguished on the basis of two criteria: the way P is given in the context or situation; the variable weighting of the positive value and the negative value that maa endows P with.
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Restriction et renforcement : Le MD vaa(n) (finnois) comparé à bara (suédois) et seulement (français) / Outi Duvallon,Rea Peltola.
// Languages No 207 (3/2017) 2017pp. 79-92. This paper investigates three lexical items, vaa(n) in Finnish, bara in Swedish and seulement in French, from a comparative perspective. The aim is to explore the semantic identity of these units and their functions as discourse markers (DM). The focus is on three discourse contexts: imperative utterances, sequences where discourse takes a new direction and passages representing narrative highpoints. Each of the three DMs construes in its way the discourse status of the sequence p. With its core meaning entailing the notions of resistance and firmness, vaa(n) produces a zooming effect on the sequence p and rules out the impact of an opposing force; bara, which is etymologically related to the meaning “bare”, has the function of bringing to light the sequence p that is concealed by some contextual factor; seulement endows the sequence p with a negative value that acts retrospectively on a preceding discourse orientation.
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