Dòng Nội dung
A Guide To Better Letters / Angela Fergus Burt , Andrew Fergus.
England : Stanley Thornes Ltd, 1987
vi, 98 p. ; 23 x 15 cm

A guide to learning independently / Lorraine A Marshall, Frances Rowland.
Buckingham : Open University Press, 1998
293 p. : ill. ; 22 cm.

A Guide to Learning Independently will empower you to develop the necessary skills to survive as an informed, independent and versatile student in the 21st century.

Australia / [up front, outback, down under] /
Hawthorn, Vic. [etc.] : Lonely Planet Publications, 2000
1055 p., [28] p. pril. : ilustr., zvd. ; 19 cm.

Australia / Paul Smitz, ...et al.
Victoria : Lonely Planet, 2004
1.064 p. : il., mapas, planos, ; 18 cm.