Dòng Nội dung
英语比较句的成分结构研究 : The constituent structures of English comparatives / 郭洁. // Foreign language teaching and research. 2015, Vol. 47, No.3. // 外语教学与研究 2015, 第47卷.第1期
355-367+479-480 p.

Comparatives look simple,but different proposals are raised to analyze the constituent struc-tures in them,leading to different comparative derivations.By pointing out the inadequacies and problems in previous proposals and drawing reference to the internal structure of Chinese compara~tives,this paper argues for a novel analysis on the constituent structures of English comparatives and their derivations:(i)The comparative marker than and the standard form a comitative phrase,in which thanis a comitative pronoun.Than-phrase,together with the comparee,forms a comitative construction,independent of the comparative morpheme-er.In this comitative construction,the comparee and the standard have unified thematic roles and form a single thematic relation with the predicate,being the arguments of the predicate;(ii)The comitative construction is base generated in[Spec,DegP].Due to the morpho-syntactic properties of English,the derivation of comparatives involves a series of movements,among which the comparee moves to[Spec,TP]to get case and satisfy EPP.